Can Darwin’s Help My Dog’s Arthritis?


Can Darwin’s Help My Dog’s Arthritis?

Dear Ask Darwin’s,

I just saw a great video on YouTube. It was a woman saying how much your food helped her older dog’s arthritis.  My old guy, Winston, is having a heck of a time getting around. I can tell that his back legs hurt or are stiff or something. He’s very slow to get going, especially on cold mornings.  I hate giving him drugs. Will your food really help?

Grant – Arizona

Dear Grant,

Thanks for this question. Many of our customers, including Anne Marie, the woman in the video came to us for the same reasons. Their dogs are getting on and they were looking for some (non-drug) relief for those achy joints.

Two things:

  1.  The healthier his food the healthier Winston. Since you didn’t mention what you are currently feeding Winston, it’s hard for me to more specific. I will say though that (raw) fresh, nutrient-rich meats, vegetables, vitamins, and minerals will go a long way to putting the spring back in his step.
  2. Currently, in addition to our Liver, Kidney and Cancer support meals we offer Joint & Mobility Support or JMS*. This particular product was perfected for just what it’s labeled, “for dogs joint and mobility issues”. JMS is a high protein diet that supports the musculoskeletal structure; in particular lean body mass that usually appears in our lovely senior animals. It’s formulated to optimize cartilage maintenance, reduced inflammation with increased antioxidants.

Dog’s Arthritis and Joint Mobility

To get a bit more granular JMS also contains Bovine Trachea and green Lipped Mussels (yummy) for natural Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfates. It has enhanced levels of Omega 3 Fatty Acids (EPA & DHA) from fish oils and is fortified with added Botanicals and Extracts. Raw food has very real benefits. I witnessed it myself. My Doberman lived to 17. She romped around like a puppy until the day she passed.

*Our Intelligent Design line can be found under Veterinarian Prescription Diets.  If you are interested in trying this food for your Winston, you can ask your vet to send us an RX form and we will do the rest.

Hope this helped – Now go kiss that Winston doggie nose.


Jeanne Romano - Menu Consultant
Jeanne Romano – Menu Consultant at Darwin’s Natural Pet Products

I have been a member of the Darwin’s team since 2009. My passion and growing expertise range from being a source authority on Menu Consultations to educating the public at acclaimed events such as The Seattle Kennel, Pet Expo, and The Northwest Women’s Show.

I openly believe in all things “green” (except teeth). I love crafting words that make people think and painting dogs and cats. (See my watercolors at or on FB). I’m also passionate about amazing individuals who really are working to cure breast cancer and, of course, sushi. I’m the mother of two amazing canines and, in spite of Lucy Van Pelt’s objections, I let my dogs kiss me on the mouth.


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